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Sunday, July 29, 2007 @ 6:54 PM

Goodbye, Emao.

Level 42 after 18 days.

School starts tomorrow..

Hectic week from 9 to 5, plus examination.

Mixed Emotions, happy, scare, sad?

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007 @ 5:46 AM
Emao Level 36

Level 36 after playing for 13 days of WOW.
See the outfit, look like sailor, fisherman or farmer. Super ugly outfit but it has better stats to increase my stamina and intellectual.

Forget to post all my beloved pets, they are my protector especially voldwalker and imp.

Getting bored and piss of the game because there is so many high level 70 hordes (nasty enemies) keep killing me and camping outside their territories, impossible for me to do all my quests.
No matter how i cast my spells, they resist all my spells. Hordes are really powerful. By the way, please don't think that i can play very well in WOW, i am slow (not using keyboard shortcut) and super retarded.

I think i may be too obsessed with the game until i neglected so many friends. Hope everyone forgive and understand me.

Reasons for my obsession for WOW:
+ i haven't reach Level 70
+ i have nothing to do at home and lazy to go out
+ i want to kill those naughty hordes who kill me when i was doing my quests. (Note: I even wrote down their names to track them down)
+ can interact and make friends all over the world

Anyway, i want to share a piece of good news, i'm retiring from this WOW because my school is going to start off on 30 July 2007. My English Workshop will last for 5 days from 9 am to 5 pm, there will be exam after taking this workshop.
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Saturday, July 21, 2007 @ 11:32 PM
Emao @ Level 34
Night Elf Druid (Qoqo) @ Level 70
I want Qoqo to play with me in World of Warcraft please.

Vincent, please do something to it.

Emao @ Level 34

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Thursday, July 19, 2007 @ 3:39 AM
Emao @ Level 30

Emao @ Level 30
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Monday, July 16, 2007 @ 9:39 PM
SMU Orientation 2007 (16-07-2007)
Student Package - i received during the SMU Orientation 2007 today.

A Certificate of Citizenship in SMU found in the Student Package.

A SMU Passport consists of Business Class Boarding Pass, Events and Activities. Summary of Journey Planner.

7 SMU Bookmarks.

Can you imagine the orientation took more than 3 hrs? Worse than watching a 3 hrs boring movie in theatre.
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@ 9:37 PM
The World Is Flat

The World Is Flat
A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century is a best-selling book by Thomas L. Friedman analyzing the progress of globalization with an emphasis on the early 21st century.
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@ 3:30 AM
World of Warcraft - Emao the Human Warlock Level 26
Character: Emao @ Level 26
Profession: Tailoring, Skinning
Secondary Skills: First Aid, Cooking
Day 7 of Playing.

Character: Emao @ Level 26

Day 6 of Playing World of Warcraft

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Sunday, July 15, 2007 @ 4:58 PM
Insert the Kingston 1 G Ram (centre) to my PC

Finally, i have 2 G of Ram in my PC. Now, i can install Microsoft Vista Business and Microsoft Office 2007 soon.
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@ 4:55 PM
I Looking for This Type of Mirror, Tell Me Where i Can Find It.

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Saturday, July 14, 2007 @ 10:50 AM
Give Love A Chance Today

Give Love A Chance Today.
What will you do if you saw someone cute, pretty, handsome, charming on the streets, bus stop or mrt?
Both are stealing glances at each other and reluctant to go over and get the contact number.
Luckily, there’s Hitchoo to solve your problems. Start making new friends now! Tell someone, “You made my day!”
I have registered in Hitchoo and how about you?
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@ 10:15 AM
"Angmohs make better boyfriends"
"Angmohs make better boyfriends"
Article extracted from Cleo August issue, Charlene Tan 23

If we girls had to list the qualities we want in a man, it'd probably read like this:
Confident, spontaneous, independent, open-minded and romantic. We all know what we want
and are not willing to compromise on our expectations. So don't judge me when i say this, but Caucasian men fit the bill. It's not that local men don't possess these traits, but let's face it - it's rare breed who do. Either that or i haven't had the priviledge of meeting them. And it doesn't help that my friends who date local men are incessantly complaining about their boyfriends.

Contrary to the stereotype that girls go out with Caucasian men just for flings, I've had stable and meaningful relationships with all my ex-boyfriends. I met my current boyfriend at a party, and we've been going out for two years now. I find Caucasian men going out for two years now. I find Caucasian men more fun and carefree. They're way more romantic and are willing to put in the effort to plan adventurous and exciting dates. You're never going to get a "Let's get a HDB flat together" from them, that's for sure. It makes my day whenever my boyfriend showers me with compliments, telling me how lucky he is to have me, and how beautiful I am. It's all in the details, guys. It's appalling that local men just don't get it.

It might be that Caucasians are used to speaking their minds, but also find relationships with them to be more open and trusting. My friends often tell me their boyfriends demand to know where they're goign and what they're doing. But my boyfriend has always given me the space i need. He doesn't gripe when i go on my girls' nights out. maintaing a relationship with my girlfrfiends is important to me, and the last thing i want is for me to stop seeing them just because i have a boyfriend. I appreciate that he trusts and respects me enough to let me make my own decisions. I'm an independent girl, and i want to go out with someone who accepts.

The more conservative female might think that Caucasian menare a wild and crazy bunch, and that if they were to bring one home, their parents would totally freak out. But let me assure you that bringing them home isn't a problem because all the guys i've brought back to meet my girls have been nothing but respectful.

Plus, they're also unfailingly sociable and charming. The first time my boyfriend met my parents, it was totally unexpected. We had popped by my place to pick something up, and it turned out that my entire extended family was there having tea. That would have been intimidating for most guys, but he simply walked up and introduced himself. We even ended up staying for tea. His outgoing nature also means he makes it point to get to know all of my girl friends and they love having him around. On the other hand, whenever my friends' boyfriends join us, they tend to sit in a corner and keep quiet.

It's that spontaneity and initative that local men lack. And it's painfully apparent even though even through the little things. Case in point: When it get crowded on the bus and they want you to move aside so that they can get in, rather than simple "Excuse me", they'll stare you up and down, as if you can mind-read. And when you finally move aside, they roll their eyes at you as if you had deliberately stood in their way. It's characteristics like these that put me off local men.

If i manage to find a Singaporean man who meets my requirements, i'd be more than willing to give it a shot. But so far, none have come close to what an angmoh guy can offer me.
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@ 2:19 AM
My current favourite type of rebonding is:
Loreal Extenso - Soft Rebonding
It makes your hair smooth and shine. It does not cause hair damage compared to the normal rebonding. The chemical content is less harmless to your hair. This type of rebonding is more costly than the normal iron straight rebonding.
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@ 1:51 AM
True Friend Test - How Much Do You Know Me

Question #1 When is my birthdate? 26 Sept 1984
Question #2 What course am i enrolling to? SMU - Bsc of Business Management
Question #3 What phone am I holding right now? Nokia N73
Question #4 What course did i take in Temasek Polytechnic? Diploma in Info-communication
Question #5 My favourite type of shows/movies? English Drama/Movies
Question #6 Which storey do i Stay? 8
Question #7 What Shoe Size am i wearing? 7
Question #8 Which Country have i not been to? Australia
Question #9 What is the last gift i received? An External Hard Disk
Question #10 When is my last trip out of Singapore? Dec 06
Question #11 Where did i go during last trip? Genting Highland
Question #12 Where do i stay? Tampines
Question #13 What is my favourite drink? Gui Hua Tea
Question #14 Which Club i would like to visit? St James Power Station
Question #15 What is the upcoming stuffs i want to buy? Do Rebonding
Question #16 What Cigg Brand i Smoke? Texas 5 Methol Ice
Question #17 What fav food i like? Mee Hoon Huay, Homemade noodles
Question #18 What is my home internet service provider? Singnet Broadband
Question #19 What is my favourite colour? Black
Question #20 What is the next upcoming show i want to watch the most? Harry Potter
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@ 1:41 AM
CLEO August Issue
I just bought this CLEO Auguest issue today. There are some interesting articles in this August issue.

1) Do Angmohs make better BFs?

2) Meet Men who love: Facials, Manicures, Boyzilians

3) Having Sex before the First Date

4) Blow Him Away in Bed (Generous Girls share private Sex Tricks)

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Friday, July 13, 2007 @ 11:39 PM
World of Warcraft - Emao the Human Warlock
Character: Emao @ Level 19
Day 4 of playing World of Warcraft
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@ 11:38 PM
All Time Favourite Birthday Cake

This is my all-time favourite birthday cake.
Coco Exotic @ Four Leaves

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@ 11:37 PM
Nooka Watch - New York Designer Watch

This is Nooka Watch designed by New York Designer, selling in Singapore @ $400 ++
Unique and Stylish, btw do everyone knows how to read the time. Actually it is quite easy.
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@ 11:37 PM
Millions of Women Are Waiting to Meet You

Book Title: Millions of Women Are Waiting to Meet You
Currently in my purchase list. Internet Dating??
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@ 11:36 PM
Understanding Men

To Understand Men, read "Secrets about Men, Every Women should Know."
This book was bought long ago, never really have the time to read and understand men.
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@ 11:36 PM
Ikea Tampines
Fanciful Colour Bedroom @ Ikea Tampines, Can Spice Up Your Mondays Blue.

Vanna Mirror @ Ikea Tampines

Too Bad Out Of Stock

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@ 11:31 PM
Muji Pens
Muji (Japanese Brand) Pens i bought at Bugis Junction. My new love. It is Gel-Type Pens, i am using 0.38 中性 .
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@ 11:29 PM
Gifts from Mr Mclean, Fish Tank Ex-colleague
This is bought since last year, i only manage to obtain it nearly after a year. Thanks Jared for your gift during your Shanghai Business Trip last year.
Thanks for your lunch treat at Sakae Sushi and dinner at Soup Restaurant.

A 160 Ghz External Hard Disk to store my movies and series once again. Cool. All for my leisure and entertainment.

A 1 Ghz Kingston Ram to add to my cpu, because Microsoft Vista Business on the way.

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@ 11:27 PM
Disaster I Make

Looking at what i have done. My pressed powder cracked because of my carelessness and stupid retarded hand.

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@ 11:26 PM
A 100 Ghz External Hard Disk from Vinc
Gift from Vinc, 100 Ghz External Hard Disk for me to store my movies and series. I am a movies and series freak. Only shortly 2 weeks, not enough memory for me to store data.

Thanks Vinc.

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@ 11:25 PM
Paul and Joe - Gift from Ralph During His KL/Genting Trip

Gift from Ralph, During His KL/Genting Trip.
Paul and Joe Primer Foundation
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@ 11:21 PM
Voodoo - String Dolls Handmade

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