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Tuesday, July 24, 2007 @ 5:46 AM
Emao Level 36

Level 36 after playing for 13 days of WOW.
See the outfit, look like sailor, fisherman or farmer. Super ugly outfit but it has better stats to increase my stamina and intellectual.

Forget to post all my beloved pets, they are my protector especially voldwalker and imp.

Getting bored and piss of the game because there is so many high level 70 hordes (nasty enemies) keep killing me and camping outside their territories, impossible for me to do all my quests.
No matter how i cast my spells, they resist all my spells. Hordes are really powerful. By the way, please don't think that i can play very well in WOW, i am slow (not using keyboard shortcut) and super retarded.

I think i may be too obsessed with the game until i neglected so many friends. Hope everyone forgive and understand me.

Reasons for my obsession for WOW:
+ i haven't reach Level 70
+ i have nothing to do at home and lazy to go out
+ i want to kill those naughty hordes who kill me when i was doing my quests. (Note: I even wrote down their names to track them down)
+ can interact and make friends all over the world

Anyway, i want to share a piece of good news, i'm retiring from this WOW because my school is going to start off on 30 July 2007. My English Workshop will last for 5 days from 9 am to 5 pm, there will be exam after taking this workshop.
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