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Profile: Whatever. Loves gadgets


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Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @ 9:01 AM
Is Society Obsessed with Technology and its Power over our Lives?
Whether advancing technology has the potential to be "liberating" or "destructive" force in society?

Technology refer as "totality of the means employed to provide objects necessary for human sustenance and comfort."

The application of surveillance technology used, unwittingly participants called this "electronic police lineup". Cameras located at every entrance "taped" every face and matching up with face recognition software. Are we criminals?

Camera functions now build into ubiquitous mobile phone. Accusation such as looking under women's skirt by taking pictures/videos. Is this technology invade privacy and our human rights?

Rental cars installed with global positioning system on vehicles and tracking people without their knowledge. You are being watch by someone for 24 hrs.

Human cloning. Is scientist driven by technological capacities for achieving this breakthrough instead of asking important questions concerning ethics and side effects.

Undesirable side effects of technology:
Environmental pollution. Topic of concern today is global warming due to technology.
Depletion of natural resources: Technology threatens the supply of natural resources. Fuel shortages and power shortages.
Technological Employment: Technology jobs are being moved offshore.
Creation of unsatisfying jobs: Failure to provide job accomplishment.

Our world has changed from a "technologically comfortable place" to "technologically intoxicated zone."

Six symptoms of society's intoxication with technology
- We favour quick fix. Technology promises to detoxify us, to simplify our lives, relieve our stress and calm our nerves, Just like Band-Aid.
- We fear and worship technology. We accept technology, fearing that we will fall behind our friend, colleagues or competitors.
- We blur the distinction between what is real and what is fake.
- We accept violence as normal. Technology make it possible to package violence in form of merchandise.
- We love technology as a toy. Electronic distractions busy us as we cannot find anything worthwhile to do. We use it as leisure to fill our free time. Problem is that real leisure is not based on the desire to consume.
- We live our lives distanced and distracted. Internet, mobile phones and wireless technologies connect us to the world but it distance us and distract us.

Do you mind that much? I Love Gadgets and Technology.
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